
Initiatives from Novotema on International Day for the elimination of violence against women

Written By Roberta Guaschi In Corporate
28 November 2022

Novotema organized a symbolic and inclusive event on the International day for the elimination of violence against women to show the support for this important cause, namely November the 25th.

Novotema organized a symbolic and inclusive event on the International day for the elimination of violence against women to show the support for this important cause, namely November the 25th.


Novotema crew prepared a board where a huge number of our colleagues, from all departments, left their handprints as a commitment to raise the awareness on this topic. The handprints were impressed in red paint in order to symbolically connect with many other events held around the world.

The board will remain in Novotema as a memento: it will remind us we all have a role to play to achieve a future free from violence, not only on November the 25th.


Furthermore, on the evening of Friday, some colleagues attended the theatrical show "Ernestina, History of a feminicide" which has been organized by Comune and Biblioteca of Sarnico and brought on stage by Teatro Piroscafo.


Colleagues of all genders took part to the initiatives, as violence against women is everyone's problem and the alarming statistics on this phenomenon must keep everybody’s level of alert very high.


All the colleagues attending the theatrical performance wore a red detail.

Thank you for your message.
